
Welcome to Mrs. Treasures’ blog!


Mrs. Treasures loves reading so she’s set up this site to help kids and parents find quality books to enjoy. It focuses on books that are written on first to fifth grade reading levels. Frequently asked questions are answered below. Books are listed by reading level on subsequent pages. Have fun reading!


How do I choose a good book for my child to read?


Children need to be challenged to practice the skills they are learning in the classroom. The right level for your child is one where they are making a few mistakes but not so many that they are overwhelmed. They should be able to understand what they are reading. Your child’s teacher can tell you the specific level your child is reading at.


In addition to reading level, you should consider your child’s interests and developmental maturity when picking a book. Parents of advanced readers may want to make sure that the subject of the book is appropriate for their child. This is especially true for gifted children, as they are capable of reading books for older children with themes that you may consider too mature for them.


Not all books within a level are the same. Once you’ve chosen a book, use the five finger rule to see if it’s a good fit for your child. To start, have your child turn to the first page in the book and read it to you. Put down one finger every time they struggle with a word (even if they eventually get it right). Repeat the process for a few pages. If they can consistently get to the end of the page without five fingers down, then the book is probably a good fit for their independent reading. If they are struggling with five or more words per page, they should chose a different book for independent reading. If they are really interested in the book, you can read it with them or to them.



What is leveled reading?


Leveled books are organized by level of difficulty, from easy books for beginning readers to longer, more complex books for advanced readers. Many factors are taken into consideration when leveling books. They may include the number of words per sentence, difficulty of words, length of phrases and sentences, length of text, layout of pages, number of illustrations, complexity of ideas, content and theme. Mrs. Treasures uses three types of leveling on this site:


Beginning readers, level 1,2,3 – This leveling system is frequently used by publishers of beginning readers. The level is printed on the cover page.


Reading level (RL) – This denotes the grade level the book is written at. It can be general (eg. RL2 means second grade) or specific (eg. RL2.3 means second grade, third month).


Guided reading level (GRL) – This system of leveling was created by Irene Fountas (Lesley University) and Gay Su Pinnell (Ohio State University). It uses letters to group books by levels of difficulty. The GRL system uses levels A-Z. Mrs. Treasures uses this system in her classroom.


Should I read to my child, with my child or let them read independently?


Do all three! Reading to your child, even after they are able to read on their own, helps them to expand their vocabulary and discover new ways of using language. It’s also great for parent/child bonding! When you read with your child, you can help them perfect skills and strategies they are learning in school. Having your child read on their own helps them to become independent and get more reading practice.